понедельник, 19 декабря 2011 г.

Kid's Sunshine Tote

Kid's Sunshine Tote
Kid's Sunshinte Tote
Designed by: Cylinda Mathews
1 Skein, 4 ply worsted weight yarn (Yellow)
2 Skeins, 4 ply worsted weight yarn (White)
Small amount of 4 ply worsted weight yarn (Black) (Optional)
Crochet hook size, H
Finishing Materials:
2-4 (1" in dia.) buttons (Optional)
2-4 crocheted buttons (Optional)
False eyelashes (Optional)
Needle/sewing thread (Optional)
Finished Size: Approx. 9" Square
Gauge: Approx. 2 rows = 1"
Please note, I have included all parts to the mystery pattern. To finish, you will need to make the tote back, (same as front) and then work the joining and edging of the tote sides and bottom, plus crochet the 'eyes' if you opt to use crocheted eyes. I noticed a small error in the tote front and have corrected that error on Rnd 7. I apologize for any inconveniences. You will need to mark two rows on the tote handle, sides and bottom, the marked rows are easy to identify since it's the last row of 8 sc (before the narrow strip is crocheted) and the first row of 8 sc (after the narrow strip) that need to be marked. Thank you.
Note: Both colors are carried through the work during color changes.
Tote Front & Back: (Make 2) (Using Yellow)
Rnd 1) Ch 4; 11 dc in 4th chain from hook; join with a slip st to 4th ch of beg ch 4: 12 dc.
Rnd 2) Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), dc in joining; * 2 dc in next dc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st to first dc: 24 dc.
Rnd 3) Ch 3, 2 dc in next dc; * dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st to first dc: 36 dc.
Rnd 4) Ch 3, 2 dc cluster over next 2 dc, dropping old color and picking up new color (White) on last part of cluster, 3 dc in same st as last dc of cluster was worked, dropping old color and picking up new color (Yellow) on last dc; * dc in next dc, 2 dc cluster over next 2 dc, dropping old color and picking up new color (White) on last part of cluster, 3 dc in same st as last dc of cluster was worked, dropping old color and picking up new color (Yellow) on last dc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st, catching in White from round below, in first dc: 12 Points.
Rnd 5) With Yellow; Ch 2, dc in next st, dropping old color and picking up new color (White) on last part of dc, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next stitch, dropping old color and picking up new color (Yellow) on last dc; * 2 dc cluster over next 2 sts, dropping old color and picking up new color (White) on last dc, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next stitch, dropping old color and picking up new color (Yellow) on last dc; repeat from * around; do not pick up Yellow on last dc, join with a slip st in first dc: 12 Points. Fasten off Yellow.
Rnd 6) With White; Ch 4, 2 trc in same st, dc in next 3 stitches, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 3 sts; * 3 trc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 3 sts; repeat from * twice; join wtih a slip st to 4th ch of beg ch 4.
Rnd 7) Ch 3, 5 trc in next st, dc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 7 sts, dc in next 6 sts; * 5 trc in next st, dc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 7 sts, dc in next 6 sts; repeat from * once; 5 trc in next st, dc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 7 sts, dc in next 5 sts; join with a slip st to first dc.
Rnd 8) Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, 5 trc in next st, dc in next 23 sts; * 5 trc in next st, dc in next 23 sts; repeat from * once; 5 trc in next st, dc in next 20 sts; join with a slip st to first dc. Fasten off, secure ends.
Tote Bottom, Sides & Handle:
Row 1) (Beg. tote bottom); Ch 9; sc in 2nd chain from hook and in next 7 ch: 8 sc.
Rows 2-43) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in first sc, sc in next 7 sc: 8 sc. Mark last row with a different color piece of yarn.
Row 44) (Working handle); Ch 1, turn work, sc decrease over first 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc, sc decrease over last 2 sc: 6 sc. Sc decrease: (Insert hook in next st, pull up a loop) twice, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook to complete the stitch.
Row 45) Ch 1, turn work, sc decrease over first 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc, sc decrease over last 2 sc: 4 sc.
Rows 46-116) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc: 4 sc.
Row 117) Ch 1, turn work; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in last sc: 6 sc. (End Handle).
Row 118) (Working down opposite side and bottom of tote); Ch 1, turn work; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in last sc: 8 sc. Mark this row with a different color piece of yarn.
Rows 119-160) Ch 1, turn work; sc in first sc, sc in next 7 sc: 8 sc. Fasten off, secure ends at end of Row 160.
Joining & Edging: (Using Yellow)
The tote bottom, side and handle will need to be aligned to the tote front with the handle portion extending above the tote; right side facing; join yarn to any center trc on last round of tote front; Ch 1, sc in same st and through the corresponding sc row of tote side where a marker has been placed (just above or below where the handle starts or ends, depending on if your right or left handed); working around the tote front, sc in each stitch and corresponding row on tote side and bottom, until last row of tote bottom has been joined; (without twisting handle), match opposite end of tote bottom next to the last st worked on the bottom center of tote front, continue to sc in each stitch and through corresponding row of tote bottom and side until three sides have been joined, ending the last stitch in the next center trc of tote front; edging the top of tote, sc in each st; join with a slip st in first sc. Fasten off, secure ends.
Joining the Back:
Align back of tote with the side and bottom, right side facing out; following instructions above; join yarn to center trc on last round of tote front; Ch 1, sc in same st and through corresponding row of tote side where a marker has been placed; working around the tote back, sc in each stitch and corresponding row of tote side and bottom, working around three sides of the tote ending the last stitch in the next cetner trc of tote back, and the marked row of tote side; edging the top of tote, sc in each st; join with a slip st in first sc. Fasten off, secure ends.
Mystery Pattern Part ThreePocket Back
Inside Pocket:
Rnd 1) Ch 21; 2 sc in 2nd chain from hook, sc in next 18 ch, 2 sc in last ch, working up opposite side of foundation chain in free loops, sc in next 18 ch; join with a slip st in first sc: 40 sc.
Rnds 2-8) Ch 1, sc in joining; * sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 40 sc.
Rnd 9) Slip st in next sc; Ch 1, sc in same sc; * sc in next sc; repeat from * around; join with a slip st in first sc: 40 sc.
Row 1) Slip st in next sc; Ch 1, sc in same sc: * sc in next 19 sc: 20 sc. Working in rows.
Rows 2-9) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in first sc, sc in next 19 sc: 20 sc.
Row 10) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in next sc, sc in next 16 sc, sc decrease over last 2 sc: 18 sc. Sc decrease: (insert hook in next st, pull up a loop) twice, yo, draw through last 3 loops on hook to complete the stitch.
Row 11) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in next sc, sc in next 14 sc, sc decrease over last 2 sc: 16 sc.
Row 12) Ch 1, turn work; Sc in next sc, sc in next 12 sc, sc decrease over last 2 sc: 14 sc. Fasten off, secure ends.
Crochet Buttons: (Using Black) (Make 2-4) (Optional)
Rnd 1) Ch 2; 8 sc in 2nd chain from hook; join with a slip st in first sc: 8 sc. Fasten off, leaving a 6" tail for sewing on inside pocket.
Using Yellow yarn, thread a tapestry needle and slip st the bottom of the tote closed. Either crochet 2-4 buttons or using regular buttons, sew 2 buttons on back of pocket as shown in photo, (for best results, position buttons higer to the top of the pocket than shown in photo). Once the buttons have been sewn on, position the pouch on the inside of the bag and use the buttons to 'button' to sun front, (slip buttons through the open weave of the sun so buttons will represent 'eyes'). Sew the other 2 buttons to the back of tote to represent the sun's eyes, or tack false eyelashes on. If desired, a smile can be embroidered on. This is just right for little ones spending the night at friend's homes, carrying color books, nighties etc. The pouch can hold small sunglasses, toothbrush, etc.http://www.crochetmemories.com/archive/june2.html

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