понедельник, 19 декабря 2011 г.

Crochet Chair Sets – Crinoline Lady

Crochet Chair Sets – Crinoline Lady

Materials -Mercerized Crochet Cotton, size 30:-4 balls White.
Steel crochet hook No. 13.
CHAIR BACK DOILY- approximate size-12 1/2 x 16 inches.
GAUGE:-7 sps= 1 inch, 7 rows= 1 inch.
Starting at top, make a chain 20 inches long.
ROW 1-Sc in 10th ch from hook, ch 3, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch, ch 3, sk 2 ch, sc in next ch, ch 3, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch (2 lacet sts made), make 6 more lacet sts, ch 5, sk 5 ch, dc in next ch (long sp made), 1 lacet st, 2 long sps, 1 lacet st, 1 long sp, 6 lacet sts, 11 long sps, 6 lacet sts, 1 long sp, 1 lacet st, 2 long sps, 1 lacet st, 1 long sp and 8 lacet sts. Cut and rip excess chain. Use the right side of this row as right side of doily.
ROW 2-Ch 8, turn, dc in next dc, (ch 5, dc in next dc) 7 times, 3 dc in half of next sp, ch 2, dc in next dc, ch 5, dc in next dc, (5 dc in next sp, dc in next dc) twice (4 blks made), ch 5, dc in next dc, 3 dc in half of next sp, ch 2, dc in next dc, 6 long sps, ch 2, 3 dc in left half of next long sp, dc in next dc, 3 dc in half of next long sp, ch 2, dc in next dc, 5 dc in next long sp, dc in next dc. Continue across, following Chart.
ROW 3-Ch 6, turn, sc in center of 1st ch-5 sp, ch 3, dc in next dc, 3 blks, 1 sp, 1 long sp, 1 blk, 1 sp, 2 lacet sts, 1 sp, 3 blks, 1 sp, 2 blks, 2 sps, 3 blks, 3 lacet sts, 2 long sps, 1 sp, 2 blks, 1 sp, 22 blks. 1 sp, 2 blks, 1 sp, 2 long sps, 3 lacet sts, 3 blks, 2 sps, 2 blks, 1 sp, 3 blks, 1 sp, 2 lacet sts, 1 sp, 1 blk, 1 long sp, 1 sp, 3 blks, 1 lacet st, making end dc in 3d st of end ch, counting from left end of ch. Continue, following Chart.
Start Row 28 with a ch-5 turning ch.
At ROW 42, work across to Lady’s skirt, make 1 blk, 1 long (ch-5) sp, 3 blks, 1 sp, 3 blks, then make a giant sp of ch 8, sk 8 dc, dc in next 4 dc. Complete row. Continue, making giant (ch-8) sps in Lady’s skirt wherever indicated on Chart, in Rows 43, 51, 52, 62 and 63.
When starting Row 62,
 ch 1, turn, sk 1st dc, sl st in next 3 dc ch 5, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc, then make 8 blks and continue across.
At Row 65, ch 1, turn, sk 1st dc, sl st in next 9 dc, ch 5, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc and continue across.
At end of Row 76, 83, 86, 88 and 89, fasten off thread, turn and start next row afresh.
Edge-Join at A and work sc closely up to top corner, across top and down other side to B. Fasten off.
ARM REST DOILIES-approximate size 8 x 11 3/4 inches
Starting at top, make a chain 11 inches long.
ROW 1-Sc in 10th ch from hook, ch 3, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch, 1 long sp, 1 lacet st, 1 long sp, 7 lacet sts, 2 long sps, 1 sp, 2 long sps. 7 lacet sts, (1 long sp, 1 lacet st) twice. Cut and rip excess chain. Use the right side of this row as right side of doily.
Continue as for Chair Back Doily, following Chart.
Edge-Work sc closely around edge from A to B.
Stretch and pin 3 doilies right-side-down in true shape. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.


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